Tuesday, December 31, 2013

30 Days of Blogging: Day 1

30 Days of Blogging
Day 1: The story of your blog

I decided to do this 30 Days of Blogging challenge for two reasons.
  1. So readers could to know me, and what I want to do.
  2. So I could possibly figure out what I want to do.
I know, I know... The two statements contradict each other. Shouldn't I already have a clear picture in my mind how I want things to go? Yes, and no. I have a picture, an idea that is Hot Chocolate Weather. What I don't have is the idea refined crystal clear enough that I'm ready to open an actual store or go to craft events with it. I'm still working on the brand of what I want it to be. Do I want it to just be a segment of a hand crafted business, do I want to incorporate other types of crafting besides crochet and knitting? Would I be doing too much? It's all very muddled.
Which is where this blog comes in. I was hoping that by starting it early in Hot Chocolate Weather's infancy that I would be able to come up with a clear idea, with the help people reading, enjoying, and maybe even commenting about their own personal journeys about their scary, nerve-wracking foray into entrepreneurship. Whether it's an Ecommerce business or brick and mortar. It's all a gamble.
I wanted to be able to share this with you. I hope you enjoy and maybe, possibly, learn from my own mistakes, struggles, or even from my triumphs.
I'm not sure if this is necessarily the 'story of my blog,' but more, why I blog. Why now, before I even have a store or inventory. I am thankful I have a learning outlet for Hot Chocolate Weather, and even more thankful for any possible readers I may get from starting this blog.
Side Note: Day two will be posted Friday. Wednesday will be a Work In Progress blog which will feature a custom order I am working on. Also, stay tuned because in the coming week I will be featuring a free pattern for hand warmers!
Have a Happy and Safe New Years everyone!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

New Year's Resolution

I spent way too much money on Christmas gifts this year. Plain and simple. Which leads me to my only resolution for 2014: I am only going to give hand made gifts this year. I know, I know, I said that for 2013 too... However, here is the difference: I now know my limits AND I got a sewing machine for Christmas. I should probably get started, there's five birthdays in January. Ufta. 

Somebody played too hard at Grandma's on Christmas Eve. Not going to say who, but let's just say I was in bed shortly after too! 

I also have some goals I want to achieve with Hot Chocolate Weather which is to have an Etsy shop and inventory by the end of 2014. I'm currently only taking custom orders and I want to actually have SOME inventory. Especially if I want to be going to craft shows eventually too. 

What are some of your goals or resolutions? How do you manage your time best? Let me know in the comments!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

I just want to say Merry Christmas to all of my readers! Thank you for reading, and I hope you have an enjoyable day that you get to spend with family/friends. Have safe travels!

Thank you everyone who has contributed to Hot Chocolate Weather in some way this year. I have some big plans/ideas for this blog and HCW in the coming weeks and I hope you all are as excited as me. So stay warm -- and you stay classy San Diego. ;)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Business Wish List

Some things I've been thinking about while I should have been crocheting some of the custom orders I have (!!!):

I really want to be efficient and organized and still be able to keep a relationship with my current and future customers. I want to be able to keep track of things I have made for them, with pictures and maybe a copy of the pattern (or if it's one I whipped up on the fly maybe a brief description of what I did.)

I don't have much space in my apartment for an office area. If I did, I'd be afraid my little monster would get into it. So, anything I do have for HCW needs to be able to be tucked away or hidden from his little, curious fingers.

I started a wish list (on paper not on Amazon or other shopping site) for possible things I might want to help keep me organized.

- File Folders
- File Box or Case -- Or even a hanging wall file - that would keep it away from curious little fingers!
- Manila or "Kraft" Envelopes
- Receipt book(s)
- Printer (and ink and paper.... )
- Ledger Cards & Notebook
- White Board/Bulletin Board to keep track of custom orders and progress of custom orders.

Sidebar - I just really like office supplies as a whole, but these are things I'd like to help me run my business more efficiently.

What makes you efficient? How do you stay organized? Let me know in the comments :) Have a nice day!