Thursday, December 26, 2013

New Year's Resolution

I spent way too much money on Christmas gifts this year. Plain and simple. Which leads me to my only resolution for 2014: I am only going to give hand made gifts this year. I know, I know, I said that for 2013 too... However, here is the difference: I now know my limits AND I got a sewing machine for Christmas. I should probably get started, there's five birthdays in January. Ufta. 

Somebody played too hard at Grandma's on Christmas Eve. Not going to say who, but let's just say I was in bed shortly after too! 

I also have some goals I want to achieve with Hot Chocolate Weather which is to have an Etsy shop and inventory by the end of 2014. I'm currently only taking custom orders and I want to actually have SOME inventory. Especially if I want to be going to craft shows eventually too. 

What are some of your goals or resolutions? How do you manage your time best? Let me know in the comments!

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