Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Business Wish List

Some things I've been thinking about while I should have been crocheting some of the custom orders I have (!!!):

I really want to be efficient and organized and still be able to keep a relationship with my current and future customers. I want to be able to keep track of things I have made for them, with pictures and maybe a copy of the pattern (or if it's one I whipped up on the fly maybe a brief description of what I did.)

I don't have much space in my apartment for an office area. If I did, I'd be afraid my little monster would get into it. So, anything I do have for HCW needs to be able to be tucked away or hidden from his little, curious fingers.

I started a wish list (on paper not on Amazon or other shopping site) for possible things I might want to help keep me organized.

- File Folders
- File Box or Case -- Or even a hanging wall file - that would keep it away from curious little fingers!
- Manila or "Kraft" Envelopes
- Receipt book(s)
- Printer (and ink and paper.... )
- Ledger Cards & Notebook
- White Board/Bulletin Board to keep track of custom orders and progress of custom orders.

Sidebar - I just really like office supplies as a whole, but these are things I'd like to help me run my business more efficiently.

What makes you efficient? How do you stay organized? Let me know in the comments :) Have a nice day!

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