Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I'm not doing my internship this summer. I will have free time. Glorious, rapturous, can read a book that's not a textbook kind of free time. So, naturally I want to fill it with something. 

I want to get involved with some sort of charity work. I recently watched a documentary on Netflix called "Half the Sky," about the oppression and abuse of women worldwide. The journalists (Sheryl WuDunn and Nicholas Kristof) who created the documentary also have a book by the same name. I couldn't watch it and NOT want to do something. This documentary is definitely a call to action. 

I think what I want to do is create some cover art on some journals and donate them to a women's shelter. I've been brainstorming some other possible ideas, but I'm not sure. I know part of my goal list was to crochet something for charity - like chemo caps, but I don't know if crocheting is necessarily help these women (journals might not even be the way to go.) I think what I need to do is just make a list of ideas and start turning charity work into it's own priority goal list, because giving back is something I really want to do. 

What are some charities you like to get involved in? They don't have to be crafty related!

Here's a link to: Half the Sky Movement

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Branding & Design

   I've been doing some research, and by that I mean browsing Pinterest, on branding and graphic design. I kind of came up with an idea of how I want this blog/future website to look. Now I just have to figure out the HOW. I have a concept and I want to be able to put it together myself -- OR the other option is enlist a classmate to help so I can help them get a start too. I think I'm going to map it out on grid paper so I have something to show her.

Also - in other news I've started narrowing down what Hot Chocolate Weather is, at least to me. It might still be too broad - but like I said when I started this blog this is all a work in progress for me.

To help some others that might be having some problems with design/branding/entrepreneurship here are some pins that I found on Pinterest that might help you too!

For creating basic blog design without using Photoshop:
Sweet Verbena

For some tips on branding:
Style Me Pretty - Kendra Scott

How to create a prototype -- in all fairness you cannot go wrong with this website. It's all in the title. :)