Monday, January 6, 2014

30 Days of Blogging Day 3

Hi Guys! It's Monday and I'm on vacation (or rather probably sitting in an airport terminal hoping that my plane is NOT delayed! Anyway - It's Day 3 of the 30 Days of Blogging Challenge and the topic is:

My Favorite Quote:

"I just give myself permission to suck. I find this hugely liberating." - John Green

I love this. I try to live like this too, because we're all going to make mistakes. I think sometimes when we make mistakes we over analyze and think things to death about what we could have done. We forget that by making the mistake we just learned what not to do again. If you know that you are human, and as a human you will make mistakes and accept that you're going to keep making mistakes I personally think you'll learn more.

This has helped with how I'm trying to grow Hot Chocolate Weather. I'm not going to get everything right. I'm going to suck at some things that others can do flawlessly. I just need to focus on what I can do, instead of what I can't. It's easier said than done, but I'm learning. 

Coming Wednesday: FREE Fingerless Mitts Pattern

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