Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Work In Progress Wednesday

Hello! It is Work In Progress Wednesday! (WIP Wednesday from now on.) I just thought I'd let you see two of the projects I'm working on, because they are the most current ones. I do have some that are in project limbo, and maybe soon - if I stick to any resolution they will be worked on again!

So this is the stash buster. It is a granny square throw, or at least it might be. It depends. I had three skeins left of this yarn, and part of it went to making hand warmers as a gift for a friend. (I forgot to get a picture, but will because it will be the free pattern I will be posting.) The yarn is Red Heart With Love, and it was an impulse buy when I found out I was pregnant with a boy. I still love the colorway, but I don't have the wrap anymore (I have a little boy) so I couldn't tell you the name of it. 

This is the custom order I am working on. She picked up the yarn without a wrap, so I couldn't tell you what it's called, but it looks like cotton candy. She wants an elf like hat for her two year old daughter and matching mittens. I finished the mittens before my college finals. I will get a picture of the whole set once it's finished. I haven't quite liked some of the patterns I've found for hats, they look nice, but work-ability for me have been awkward. So, I decided to do this on my own with some scribbled notes that may end up being a free pattern in the future. 

What are you working on? Is it for you or are you gifting it to someone? What are some of your favorite stash busters to work on? Have a Happy New Year's Day everybody! 

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